Part 106: Mila Evans

What now?



Oh dear! Oh dear, oh dear, oh NO! What do we do? What do we do? She's not breathing! I can't hear her!


Do something! Do something, Mr. Hyde! Help the poor girl! Help Mila!
What do we do! What do we do!

You've got put your face next to hers, Mr. Hyde.
You missed a "to" there, Rosa, which is unusual for you. Other than that, nice advice. Let's do that. Remember Melissa's puzzle and how we closed the lid of the DS to "flip" it? Same principle here.
The gap here makes Kyle's arm look strange.
Not using gap makes Kyle's arm look much better, but the background clash pretty terribly.
Music: Secrets

What the...

...Uhh... Ahh... ...Don't... ...Take... ...Jen...ny...

Holy crap. She's talking.


...Mila! Dear, your voice...

...I... I...

Oh, what a blessing! This is a true miracle! Mila, you can speak again! Your voice has returned!


You OK? What's wrong?

This is the closest we're going to get to a confrontation with Mila (spoilers), so we're going to treat this like one.

I remember...

Mila? Sweetie? Dear, how did you lose your voice? It's OK, you can tell Rosa.


Mila? Hey, take it easy. Just tell me what happened.
Music: Rainy Night
Read note
Write note
This is actually the first time we can read/write note with Mila. Mila has no new reponses to previous items
What did you remember?

What do you remember?

...I was...playing with her. ...In this room.

This room? You've been here before?


Are you sure?

Please, dear. Answer Mr. Hyde.

Who were you playing with in here?

...I was with... Jenny...
Like before, we'll be continuing with each line of questioning before moving on.
Who's Jenny?

Who's Jenny?

...A girl... ...A friend I met here... My friend... Papa said... Stay and wait... With Jenny... So...we played... But Jenny...she...she...

Someone took her. Didn't they? Who was it? A strange man...with a scary face...
Where's your father?

Mila, where is your father?

...I don't know. ...The gallery was gone... So...we came here... Papa and me...came here...

How long have you been looking for him?

...A long time...
When did you wake up?

When did you wake up?

...Don't know... I was...asleep. For...a long...time... Then they told me... I... I just woke up...
What do you mean, "like that time"?

What did you mean when you said "like that time"?

...That time everything...went dark...

It went dark?

...When I was...waiting...for Papa.

Mila, when was this?

...When...I was...nine...

So how old are you now?

Mila! Answer him! How old are you?

...Nineteen. ...That's...what they said...

Someone had to tell you? Who? Who said that?

What happened, Mila?

...I don't know. It was because...I was...
over there for a long time...
Over there? Where's that?

You said you were over there. Where is that?

...Robbins Hospital. ...I woke up. I a bed. ...No one was there... ...So I tried to call for... For Papa... ...But I..couldn't speak.

And your mother? Sweetie, where was she during all this?

...Mom...wasn't there... She a crash... A plane crash.

I... I waited...for Papa...for a long time... But...Papa...never came.


So you came here?

Why couldn't you speak?

How did you lose your voice?

...I was...scared... ...Jenny was crying... Jenny said..."help me"...

...I was...scared...
Music: Secrets

Oh, Mila! You poor, poor girl!

You must be tired! Let's get you back to Rosa's room! It's OK! I'm going to take good care of you!

Mr. Hyde, I'm going to see to it that this little girl gets the rest she needs! You'll have to ask her about your paintings later!

...Why not. Nothing else has gone according to plan tonight.
Mila and Rosa leave.
Music: Monochrome
We can finally examine this room.
Music: Straight Chaser
Mirror It'a a mirror. And boy, am I ever pretty.
Brochure There's a hotel brochure on top of the fridge.
Fridge It's one of them mini-fridges.
TV Even the TV's a newer model. Maybe I should've stayed here.
Drawer There's a small storage space under the TV.
Lamp That's quite a tall lamp in the corner of the room.
Painting Look at that. Another painting that's not dogs playing poker.
Left sofa A leather couch? Is this the suite Dunning was trying to talk to me into?
Lamp There's a small lamp in the corner of the room.
Tea set There's even a tea set on the table.
Table Check out the table in front of the sofa. Looks pricey.
Right sofa Bet that sofa cost a pretty penny.
Frame Looks like Dunning framed the Hotel Dusk mission statement or something.
Table It's a round table. Wonder where King Arthur and his knights are.
Chair It's a chair.
Shelf A minibar with booze? I'm moving in.
Stand That's one heck of a hat stand. Wish I had a fedora to throw at it.
That's all in Room 111. So we go outside.
Mr. Hyde? I'm sorry, I couldn't sleep, and I overheard...